Born: May 30, 1986 in Pompton Plains, NJ
Pro team I most root for is: DC United
What I like about soccer: My pops (grandfather Rich Dorsey) being at the games
What I’d change about soccer: our field
Most memorable sports experience: winning a state championship 

All-time favorite movie: “Old School”
Best movie I’ve seen the last year: “100 Greatest Goals of Premiership”
I would love to join the cast of this TV show: Real World
Favorite website:
Favorite singer: whatever DJ Pellegrino spins
Favorite group: Juvenile
My special song: “Miami Miami Mix” by Will Smith

Last book I finished: “My Side” by David Beckham
Food I’d eat all the time: whatever Mrs. Long or Mrs. Slaughter cook
Three foods I’ll never eat again: Liz’s lunch, chicken pizza, onion rings
Guilty pleasures: dates with the ladies on school nights

Favorite teacher: Mr. Purdue 
What I like most about the new OCHS: freshmen Neil Melchionni & Justin Heckler
What I would change about the new OCHS: I wish I had classes with captains Will & Phil

What I wanted to be growing up: pro soccer player 
Most embarrassing moment: losing to Hopewell in 2001 
I most treasure: my first captain’s armband
Three non-relatives who have most influenced me: George Kleva, Matt Long, Jim Crowley  
Best advice from a relative: “If someone hits you, hit them back” from my mom  

Colleges I’m considering: Rutgers, East Carolina, Temple
I plan to study: physical therapy