Born: August 11, 1987 in Somers Point
Pro team I most root for is: any team that is exciting to watch
Sports hero: Michael Jordan
What I like about basketball: there is always your next shot
What I’d change about basketball: eliminate the possession arrow and go back to jump balls
My other high school sports: soccer, football, baseball, track
Other sports I enjoy: golf, fishing, ping pong, badminton
Most memorable sports experience: game-winning shot vs EHT in first game in new OCHS gym 

Favorite actors: Nicholas Cage, John Belushi & the Marx Brothers
Favorite actress: Catherine Zeta Jones
All-time favorite movie: “Blues Brothers”
Best movie I’ve seen this year: “Wedding Crashers”
Worst movie I’ve ever seen: “The 5th Element”
I would love to join the cast of this TV show: CSI
Favorite website:
First concert I attended: Blue Man Group
Favorite group: Earth, Wind and Fire
My special song: "Make Me Smile" by Chicago

Last book I finished: The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown
Three foods I’d eat all the time: Charlie's wings, Pat's cheesesteaks, baked filet mignon
Three foods I’ll never eat again: sushi, tomatoes, black licorice
Guilty pleasure: shoe collecting (sneakers)
If I could visit anyplace it would be: South America-Brazil

Favorite teacher: Mrs. Dougherty 
What I like most about OCHS: the faculty
What I would change about OCHS: longer lunch time

What I wanted to be growing up: pro basketball player or Jerry Rice 
Favorite lunchbox as a kid: red Ninja Turtles box 
Current sell phone ringtone: Da Rockwilder by Redman & Method Man 
Most embarrassing moment: falling down both flights of stairs at Mike Hinsley's in front 
	of his family and friends who were eating breakfast 
Causes I most believe in: animal rights and equality 
Most treasured possession: my dog, Kody 
Three non-relatives who have most influenced me: Mrs. Dougherty, Mr. Bristol, Mrs. Dugan  
Best advice from a relative: “Always be responsible for your actions” - from my mom  

College I’m attending: Tufts
I plan to study: business, entrepreneurship