Born: August 7, 1987 in Atlantic City
Pro team I most root for is: Green Bay Packers
Sports hero: Steve Prefontaine
What I like about cross country: the shorts
What I’d change about cross country: increase respect for the sport
Other high school sports: indoor & outdoor track
Most memorable sports experience: winning the South Jersey team championship this year

Favorite actor: Will Farrell
Favorite actress: Molly Shannon
All-time favorite movies: “The Royal Tenenbaums”.
Best movie I’ve seen the last year: “Napoleon Dynamite”
Worst movie I’ve ever seen: “Phone Booth”
Favorite website:
Favorite singer: Mason Jennings
Favorite group: The Postal Service
My special song: “Sandstorm”

Last book I finished: “God on the Starting Line” by Marc Bloom
Three foods I’d eat all the time: chicken cheesesteaks, Charlie’s wings, fish tacos
Foods I’ll never eat again: creamed corn, meat loaf
Guilty pleasure: Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater video game
I would like to visit: Costa Rica

Favorite teacher: Mrs. Flemming 
What I like most about the new OCHS: the bigger hallways
What I would change about the new OCHS: add more color

What I wanted to be growing up: professional surfer 
Most embarrassing memory: losing my shorts swimming across the bay
I most treasure: my friends
Three non-relatives who have most influenced me: John Crans, Paul Aspenberg, Dennis Weiler  

Colleges I’m considering: Mount St. Mary’s, Cal-Sacramento