Born: May 23, 1987 in San Diego, CA
Pro team I most root for is: Minnesota Vikings
Sports hero: Randy Moss
What I like about football: the collision
What I’d change about football: nothing
Other high school sports: basketball, track
Other sport I enjoy: baseball

Favorite actor: Denzel Washington
All-time favorite movie: “Billy Madison”
Best movie I’ve seen the last year: “Mon on Fire”
Worst movie I’ve ever seen: “8 Mile”
I would love to join the cast of this TV show: Saturday Night Live
Favorite website:
First concert I ever attended: Kanye West
Favorite singer: Kanye West
Favorite group: Ying Yang Twins
My special song: “Lets Go”

Last book I finished: “The Cat in the Hat” by Dr, Seuss
Three foods I’d eat all the time: turkey, chicken tenders, tacos
Three foods I’ll never eat again: baked beans, liver, quiche
Guilty pleasure: Liz McCabe
I would like to visit: San Diego

Favorite teacher: Mr. Myers 
What I like most about the new OCHS: the new gym
What I would change about the new OCHS: the cameras

What I wanted to be growing up: a fireman 
Most embarrassing moment: getting a ticket from a bike cop 
I most treasure: my car
Three non-relatives who have most influenced me: Ron Sonsini, Flute, Meryl  
Best advice: “It doesn’t matter what’s best for everyone else,
it matters what’s best for you”, from Mrs. Sonsini Colleges I’m considering: Delaware, Villanova, Towson I plan to study: law, business