Born: April 13, 1986 in Springfield, MA
Pro teams I most root for: Avalanche, Eagles, Sixers
Sports hero: Vince Carter
What I like about basketball: the team my sophomore and senior year 
and the fun I have playing the sport I love
What I’d change about basketball: I’d make a coed league
Other high school sports: soccer & softball
Additional sports I enjoy: hockey, extreme sports
Most memorable sports experience: half-court shot I made in front of 
the whole school

Favorite actor: Orlando Bloom
Favorite actress: Julia Roberts
All-time favorite movie: “Love & Basketball”
Best movies I’ve seen the last year: “Coach Carter”
Worst movie I’ve ever seen: “Darkness Falls”
I would love to join the cast of this TV show: Friends
First concert I attended: Purple Door Tour
Favorite singer: Em
Favorite group: Simple Plan
My special song: “Welcome To My Life” by Simple Plan

Last book I finished: “Chain of Fire” by Terry Goodkind
Three foods I’d eat all the time: pizza, salad, chicken
Three foods I’ll never eat again: beans, scrapple, chicken with stars soup
Guilty pleasures: lighting fireworks, embarrassing guys on the basketball 
court and doing dumb things without getting caught
I would love to visit: Ireland

My favorite teacher: Priscilla Crawford
What I like most about the new OCHS: the hallway signs and the gym
What I’d change about the new OCHS: no cameras and bigger locker rooms

What I wanted to be growing up: a veterinarian 
My favorite lunchbox as a kid: a brown paper baggie
Most embarrassing moment: getting sick three times in the school hallway 
while trying to make it to the nurse
Cause I most believe in: “Freedom Fries”...not!
I most treasure: family and friends
Three non-relatives who have most influenced me: Tony, She & Kristin
Best advice: “Don’t ever let anyone dictate your life – keep your head held 
high and follow your heart” from my MomMom  

College I’m considering: CSU
I plan to study: to be a veterinarian