Born: October 4, 1988 in New York City
Pro team I most root for is: Philadelphia 76ers
Sports hero: Alex Iannone
What I like about basketball: Mr. Baruffi
What I’d change about basketball: less tall people
My other high school sports: soccer, track
Other sports I enjoy: waterpolo, cricket
Most memorable sports experience: all of my club & high school soccer & 
	basketball experiences 

Favorite actor: Vince Vaughn
Favorite actress: Angelina Jolie
All-time favorite movie: “Dodgeball"
Best movie I’ve seen this year: “Million Dollar Baby”
Worst movie I’ve ever seen: “New York Minute”
I would love to join the cast of this TV show: Dave Chappelle Show
Favorite website:
First concert I attended: 98 Degrees
Favorite singer: Kelly Clarkson
Favorite group: Dave Matthews Band
My special song: "My Humps" by Black Eyed Peas

Last book I finished: If Tomorrow Comes by Sidney Sheldon
Three foods I’d eat all the time: Sour Patch kids, Jack Daniels chicken, rice
Three foods I’ll never eat again: anchovies, mayonnaise, tuna fish
Guilty pleasures: eating McChicken & Sour Patch kids - 
	watching Get Rich or Die & The Incredibles 
If I could visit anyplace it would be: South Africa

Favorite teacher: Mr. Smith & Mrs. Williscroft 
What I like most about OCHS: chocolate chip cookies
What I would change about OCHS: the library monitors

What I wanted to be growing up: pro soccer player 
Favorite lunchbox as a kid: brown paper bag 
Current sell phone ringtone: Drop It Like Its Hot by Snoop Dog 
Most embarrassing moments: grades K-8 
Causes I most believe in: cures for cancer and AIDS 
Most treasured possessions: my cellphone & my computer 
Three non-relatives who have most influenced me: Mr. Tom Miller, Mrs. Davis, Maggie Davis  
Best advice from a relative: “Always play your hardest and just have fun” - from Mom  

College I’m attending: Richard Stockton College
I plan to study: physical therapy, finance