Born: February 17, 1987 in Somers Point
Pro teams I most root for: Eagles & Sixers
Sports hero: Billie Jean King, she opened many opportunities for women
What I like about basketball: everything
What I’d change about basketball: hand checking
Other high school sports: tennis & lacrosse
Additional sports I enjoy: water polo & tag
Most memorable sports experience: my freshmen & sophomore basketball seasons

Favorite actor: Denzel Washington
Favorite actress: Julia Roberts
All-time favorite movie: “Love and Basketball”
Best movies I’ve seen the last year: “Friday Night Lights” & “The Passion of The Christ”
Worst movie I’ve ever seen: “Blair Witch Project 2”
I would love to join the cast of this TV show: Desperate Housewives
Favorite website:
First concert I attended: Sugar Ray
Favorite singer: Ashley Sobrinski

Last book I finished: “Siddhartha” by Hermann Hesse
Foods I’d eat all the time: apples, Natural Valley bars, any type of snack
Foods I’ll never eat again: jelly beans, steak, any other red meat
Guilty pleasures: snack foods – if I didn’t play sports I don’t know what I’d do
I would love to visit: India

Favorite teacher: Mrs. Logan, my 8th grade science teacher 
What I like most about the new OCHS: the new gyms

What I wanted to be growing up: a veterinarian 
My favorite lunchbox as a kid: wasn’t a box, it was a purple and green bag
Most embarrassing moment: slipped on a step rail getting out of an SUV and
                          fell on my back in front of a lot of people 
Cause I most believe in: pro-life
I most treasure: my work ethic
Those who have most influenced me: my friends  
Best advice: “Do your best” from my parents  

College I’m attending: Philadelphia University of the Sciences
I plan to study: physical therapy (six-year program)