Born: April 12, 1986 in New York
Pro team I most root for is: Cruzeiro (Brazilian soccer team)
My sports hero: Zidani
What I like about soccer: everything
What I’d change about soccer: nothing, I love it the way it is
Other sports I enjoy: volleyball
Most memorable sports experience: during a final in Brazil we were losing by three 
         and scored four goals in the second half to win. I learned anything is possible 

Favorite actor: Robin Williams
Favorite actress: Nicole Kidman
All-time favorite movie: “The Butterfly Effect”
Best movie I’ve seen the last year: “50 First Dates”
Worst movie I’ve ever seen: “Held Up”
Favorite group: Exalta Samba
My special song: “Sempre há um Amanhã” (it means “there is always a tomorrow”)
Last book I finished: “One Child” by Torey Hayden
Food I’d eat all the time: pizza, chicken, rice
Foods I’ll never eat again: spicy
Guilty pleasures: candy & chocolate, I eat too much
If I could visit anyplace in would be: Italy

What I like most about the new OCHS: the big space
What I would change about the new OCHS: nothing – everything is fine

What I wanted to be growing up: teacher 
Most embarrassing moment: I was acting in a play and fell off the stage
Cause I most believe in: peace in the future
I most treasure: my family
Best advice from a relative: “Don’t give up in the things you do in life” from my father  

In college, I plan to study: to be a Spanish teacher