Born: July 28, 1987 in Somers Point
Pro team I most root for is: Philadelphia Eagles
My sports hero: Shaquille O'Neal
What I like about soccer: fast pace of the game
What I’d change about soccer: no fouls
My other high school sport: track
Other sports I enjoy: ping pong, cross country skiing
Most memorable sports experience: winning the state championship my 
	sophomore year

Favorite actor: John Travolta
All-time favorite movie: “That Thing You Do”
Best movie I've seen in last year: “Bride of Chuckie”
Worst movie I’ve ever seen: “Biodome”
I would love to join the cast of this TV show: Desperate Housewives
First concert I attended: Weird Al Yankovic 
Favorite singer: Marvin Gaye
Favorite group: Hall & Oates 

Last book I finished: "1984" by George Orwell
Three foods I’d eat all the time: corned beef & cabbage, baked ziti, 
	chicken cheesesteak
Two foods I’ll never eat again: baked carrots, Swiss cheese
Guilty pleasure: Kelly Clarkson
If I could visit anyplace it would be: Hawaii

What I like most about OCHS: the people

What I wanted to be growing up: An NBA all star
Favorite lunchbox as a kid: Igloo 
Current sell phone ringtone: Boom, Boom, Boom by the Vengaboys 
Most embarrassing moment: falling down during lip-sync performance in 8th grade 
Non-relatives who have most influenced me: Alex Iannone, Curt Nath, Beau Miller  
Best advice from a relative: “When it's 40 degrees and above, you should wear 
	shorts” from my grandpop 

Colleges I’m considering: Delaware, Drexel, Gettysburg
I plan to major in: biology