Born: August 15, 1986
Pro team I most root for is: Eagles
Other sports I enjoy: basketball, running
Most memorable sports experience: Eagles blowing the Super Bowl

Favorite actor: Adam Sandler
Favorite actress: Tara Reid
All-time favorite movie: “Hook”
Best movie I’ve seen the last year: “Soul Plane”
Worst movie I’ve ever seen: “Fargo”
I would love to join the cast of these TV shows: CSI Miami
Favorite singer: Ozone
Favorite group: Green Day
My special song: “Total Eclipse of the Heart”

Last book I finished: “The Chosen” by Chaim Potok
Food I’d eat all the time: Spanky’s cheese fries
Three foods I’ll never eat again: sardines, tuna fish salad, egg salad
Guilty pleasure: pickle ball
I would like to visit: South Africa

Favorite teacher: Mr. Pesda 
What I like most about the new OCHS: it’s nice
What I’d change about the new OCHS: make it bigger

What I wanted to be growing up: Superman 
Favorite lunchbox as a kid: Transformers 
Most embarrassing moment: breaking Meghan’s nose
Cause I most believe in: God’s way
I most treasure: my racquets
Best advice from a relative: “You will never have this moment again so make 
it a great memory and have fun,” from my mom  

College I’m considering: Barry (FL) University
I plan to study: business