Born: June 6, 1988 in Philippines
Pro team I most root for is: Brazil soccer
What I like about wrestling: its fun & physically challenging
What I’d change about wrestling: nothing
Other sport I enjoy: soccer, tennis, volleyball
Most memorable sports experience: double overtime win 

Favorite actor: Mel Gibson
Favorite actress: Angelina Jolie
All-time favorite movie: “Monty Python's The Holy Grail"
Best movie I’ve seen this year: “Jarhead”
Worst movie I’ve ever seen: “Notebook”
I would love to join the cast of this TV show: Family Guy
Favorite website:
First concert I ever attended: Autumn Blaze
Favorite singer: Michael Tait
Favorite group: Grits
My special song: "Who Am I" by Casting Crowns

Last book I finished: The Europa Conspiracy by Tim LaHaye
Three foods I’d eat all the time: chicken, rice, Ramon noodle soup
Three foods I’ll never eat again: peanut butter & jelly, meat loaf, salisbury steak
Guilty pleasure: dark chocolate 
If I could visit anyplace it would be: Japan

Favorite teacher: Mrs. Mallas 
What I like most about OCHS: big wrestling room
What I would change about OCHS: no cameras

Favorite lunchbox as a kid: Captain Planet 
Current sell phone ringtone: the LG tune 
Most embarrassing moments: everytime I mess up someone's name
Cause I most believe in: Christianity 
Most treasured possessions: my Bible 
Three non-relatives who have most influenced me: George DeValle, Jason Marshall, Jim Bry  
Best advice from a relative: “Know what your future plans are and keep God at the 
	top of them” - from Mom & Dad  

College I’m attending: Philadelphia Biblical
I plan to study: camp ministries