Born: July 14, 1988 in Somers Point
Pro team I most root for is: Philadelphia Eagles
Sports hero: Lance Armstrong
What I like about field hockey: it is a team game & you have to trust everyone on 
	your team to play well and succeed
What I’d change about field hockey: let the game flow more, with less whistles 
	and stops
My other high school sport: lacrosse
Other sports I enjoy: soccer & football
Most memorable sports experience: winning states my freshmen year - the 
	excitement was unbelievable

Favorite actor: Jake Gyllenhall
Favorite actress: Jennifer Aniston
All-time favorite movie: “Dirty Dancing”
Best movie I've seen the last year: “Jarhead”
Worst movie I’ve ever seen: “Blazing Saddles”
I would love to join the cast of this TV show: Laguna Beach
Favorite website:
First concert I attended: *NSYNC
Favorite singer: Jack Johnson
Favorite group: Green Day
My Special Song: "I Didn't Steal Your Boyfriend" by Ashlee Simpson

Last book I finished: “The Five People You Meet in Heaven” by Mitch Albom
Three foods I’d eat all the time: Friday's chicken fingers, Caesar salad & 
	Wendy's chicken sandwiches
Food I’ll never eat again: crabs, cheesesteaks, homemade macaroni & cheese
Guilty pleasures: Phish food ice cream & The O.C. 
If I could visit anyplace it would be: Italy

Favorite teacher: Senor Watson
What I like most about OCHS: it is new & has wide hallways
What I would change about OCHS: longer lunches & the option to leave for lunch

What I wanted to be growing up: veterinarian
Current cell phone ring tone: Get Happy
Most embarrassing moment: I don't think it's happened yet
Cause I most believe in: animal rights
Most treasured possession: my dog, Suela
Non-relatives who have most influenced me: Mrs. LeFever, Mrs. Vallese, Mrs. Cox  
Best advice from a relative: “Do what is going to make you happy.” - from my mom  

Colleges I’m considering: Delaware, NYU, San Diego State, West Chester
I plan to study: marketing, or a business general with a minor in statistics