Born: March 22, 1988 in Somers Point
Pro team I most root for is: Philadelphia Eagles
Sports hero: Lance Armstrong
What I like about field hockey: the competition
What I’d change about field hockey: let it run - too much stopping & starting
My other high school sports: track
Other sports I enjoy: tennis (my dad plays it)

Favorite actor: Bruce Willis
Favorite actress: Jennifer Anniston
All-time favorite movie: “A Beautiful Mind”
Best movie I've seen the last year: “Sin City”
Worst movie I’ve ever seen: “A Walk to Remember”
I would love to join the cast of this TV show: Friends
Favorite website: don't have one (but i Google a lot)
First concert I attended: Dave Matthews Band
Favorite singer: Brad Paisley
Favorite group: Rascal Flats
My special song: “Heaven (Techno Remix)” by DJ Sammy

Last book I finished: “Bag of Bones” by Stephen King
Three foods I’d eat all the time: Chinese food, Damon's ribs, sushi
Three foods I’ll never eat again: I eat everything!
Guilty pleasures: strawberries & whipped cream, strawberry cheesecake
If I could visit anyplace it would be: Italy

Favorite teacher: Mr. Purdue
What I like most about OCHS: close to the beach
What I would change about OCHS: students should be allowed to leave for lunch

What I wanted to be growing up: teacher
Favorite lunchbox as a kid: Red Blade
Current cell phone ring tone: peak level
Most embarrassing moment: I will never tell!
Cause I most believe in: animal rights
Most treasured possession: gold pinkie ring with my first initial from my parents
Non-relatives who have most influenced me: Mrs. LeFever (OC field hockey coach) 
	& Ralph (Michigan coach)  
Best advice from a relative: “Choose what makes you happy, not what you think 
	will make other people happy” - from my mom & dad  

Colleges I’m considering: Maryland, James Madison, Ohio State, Rutgers
I plan to study: biology or natural science