Born: April 11, 1987 in Somers Point
Pro teams I most root for: Phillies
Sports hero: my sister, Michelle
What I like about basketball: everything
What I’d change about basketball: nothing
Other high school sports: soccer & lacrosse
Additional sports I enjoy: volleyball
Most memorable sports experience: soccer trip to England

Favorite actor: Denzel Washington
Favorite actress: Julia Roberts
All-time favorite movie: “Grease”
Best movies I’ve seen the last year: “Coach Carter”
Worst movie I’ve ever seen: “Jeepers Creepers”
I would love to join the cast of this TV show: Alias
First concert I attended: Destiny’s Child
Favorite singer: Ashlee Simpson
My special song: “God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You” by ‘N Sync

Foods I’d eat all the time: peanut butter, green apples, ice cream
Foods I’ll never eat again: red meat, peas, hot peppers
Guilty pleasure: soap operas
I would love to visit: Hawaii

Favorite teacher: Miss Lentz 
What I like most about the new OCHS: the new gyms

What I wanted to be growing up: a chef 
My favorite lunchbox as a kid: Barney
Cause I most believe in: Christianity
I most treasure: Wags
Best advice: “Be yourself” from my grandmom  

College I’m attending: Rowan, Salisbury, Ramapo
I plan to study: biology and physical therapy