Born: August 17, 1986 in Woodbine
Pro team I most root for is: Phillies
What I like about tennis: when I hit the ball so hard it explodes
Other sports I enjoy: baseball, football, volleyball
Most memorable sports experience: going to England with my traveling 
soccer team

Favorite actor: Morgan Freeman
Favorite actress: Julia Roberts
All-time favorite movie: “The Runaway Bride”.
Best movie I’ve seen the last year: “Million Dollar Baby”
Worst movie I’ve ever seen: “Memphis Belle”
I would love to join the cast of these TV shows: Saturday Night Live
Favorite website:
Favorite singer: Jimi Hendrix
Favorite group: The Band
My special song: “I Shall Be Released” by Bob Dylan

Last book I finished: “Far From The Madding Crowd” by Thomas Hardy
Three foods I’d eat all the time: donuts, macaroni & cheese, apples
Three foods I’ll never eat again: n/a
Guilty pleasures: Desperate Housewives, VH1, Meg Ryan
I would like to visit: Fenway Park, Boston

Favorite teacher: Ms. Musick 
What I like most about the new OCHS: it’s clean
What I’d change about the new OCHS: make fire alarms quieter

What I wanted to be growing up: baseball player 
Favorite lunchbox as a kid: Wonder Woman 
Most embarrassing moment: my voice cracking while cheering at a soccer game
Cause I most believe in: anti-war
I most treasure: my car
Non-relatives who have most influenced me: Mr. Pesda, Dr. Walls  
Best advice from a relative: “Do your best” from my mom  

College I’m attending: College of New Jersey
I plan to study: English