Born: March 21, 1987 in Texas
Pro team I most root for is: Atlanta Braves
What I like about softball: the amazing girls you meet & the fun you have
What I’d change about softball: be more serious and more competitive
Other sports I enjoy: volleyball, badminton
Most memorable sports experience: winning the county tournament last 
year with a perfect game by Lauren Smith

Favorite actor: Johnny Depp
Favorite actress: Reese Witherspoon
All-time favorite movies: “The Notebook”
Best movie I’ve seen the last year: “Star Wars”
Worst movie I’ve ever seen: “Mulholland Drive”
I would love to join the cast of this TV show: Seinfeld
My first concert: Britney Spears
Favorite singer: Dave Matthews
Favorite group: Temptations
My special song: “Stand By Me”

Last book I finished: “Message in a Bottle” by Nicholas Sparks
Three foods I’d eat all the time: grapes, pizza, French fries
Three foods I’ll never eat again: tuna, tomatoes, cocoanut
Guilty pleasure: ice cream
I would like to visit: Greece

Favorite teachers: Mrs. Cox & Mr. Breckenridge 
What I like about the new OCHS: hallways are bigger
What I’d change about the new OCHS: add some color to the school

Favorite lunchbox as a kid: Strawberry Shortcake 
Most embarrassing moment: walking into a pole in Virginia Beach
Cause I most believe in: pro-life
I most treasure: my car
Non-relatives who have most influenced me: my friends & teachers  
Best advice from a relative: “Never give up and follow your dreams”  

College I’m attending: Rutgers
I plan to study: math