Born: December 19, 1987 in Buffalo, NY
Pro team I most root for is: Philadelphia Eagles
Sports hero: Andy Roddick
What I like about soccer: everything
What I’d change about soccer: no shin guards
Other sports I enjoy: pickle ball, badminton 
Most memorable sports experience: playing for the Upper Township Surge in Europe 

Favorite actor: Johnny Depp
Favorite actress: Dakota Fanning
All-time favorite movies: “Dumb & Dumber”
Best movie I’ve seen this year: “Wedding Crashers”
Worst movie I’ve ever seen: “Open Water”
I would love to join the cast of this TV show: Salute Your Shorts
Favorite website:
First concert I attended: *NSYNC
Favorite singer: Mariah Carey
Favorite group: Dashboard Confessional
My special song: "Dancin' In The Moonlight"

Last book I finished: "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley
Three foods I’d eat all the time: ice cream, cereal, tacos
Three foods I’ll never eat again: olives, veal, egg plant
Guilty pleasures: eating Gushers, watching Iron Chef
If I could visit anyplace it would be: a lake

Favorite teachers: Ms. Colon, Mr. Watson 
What I like most about OCHS: my friends
What I would change about OCHS: move it to the Ville

What I wanted to be growing up: writer 
Favorite lunchbox as a kid: always wanted a Batman lunchbox 
Current sell phone ringtone: Amber by 311 
Most embarrassing moment: tripping up the stairs in the old school 
Cause I most believe in: graduating 
Most treasured possession: Teddy 
Non-relatives who have most influenced me: Coach Mike, Tara Davies  
Best advice from a relative: Whenever I'm having a bad game, my dad just says, 
“focus” - it helps every time 

College I’m attending: North Carolina State