Born: May 17, 1987 in Atlantic City
Pro team I most root for is: LA Sparks
Sports hero: Rich Baker
What I like about basketball: cheerleaders
What I’d change about basketball: allow more fouls
Other high school sport: soccer
Most memorable sports experience: winning Youth Basketball of America state championship

Favorite actor: Denzel Washington
Favorite actress: Pamela Anderson Lee
All-time favorite movie: “Hoosiers”
Best movie I’ve seen the last year: “Barb Wire”
I would love to join the cast of this TV show: Sex and the City
Favorite website:
Favorite singer: William Hung
Favorite group: Temptations
My special song: “Amazed” by Lone Star

Last book I finished: “The Communist Manifesto” by Karl Marx & Frederic Engels
Foods I’d eat all the time: goldfish, Wawa
Foods I’ll never eat again: fish, meat loaf, Brussel sprouts

Favorite teacher: Mrs. Maguire 
What I like most about the new OCHS: the new gym

What I wanted to be growing up: a trash man 
Most embarrassing moment: 1st game in the new gym 
I most treasure: my twin sister, Danielle
Three non-relatives who have most influenced me: Mike Mousaw, Mr. P, Mr. Bruno  
Best advice: “Go big, or go home” from my father  

Colleges I’m considering: Elizabethtown, Albright, Washington, Wallace State
I plan to study: undecided