Born: May 20, 1987 in Strafford
Pro teams I most root for is: New York Yankees & Giants
Sports hero: my father
What I like about baseball: making a diving play in the hole
What I’d change about baseball: use wooden bats
Other sports I enjoy: pickle ball, football, basketball & hockey
Most memorable sports experience: beating Mainland last month for the 
1st time in my 4 years

Favorite actor: Brad Pitt
Favorite actresses: Olsen twins
All-time favorite movie: “61*”
Best movie I’ve seen the last year: “Fever Pitch”
Worst movie I’ve ever seen: “The Butterfly Effect”
I would love to join the cast of this TV show: Sportscenter
Favorite website:
First concert I attended: Britney Spears
Favorite singer: Bruce Springsteen
Favorite group: Mase
My special song: “Beautiful Soul” by Jesse McCartney

Last book I finished: “MacBeth” by William Shakespeare
Three foods I’d eat all the time: ice cream, chicken parm, Oreo’s
Three foods I’ll never eat again: tomatoes, spinach, pork
Guilty pleasure: Custard Hut
I would like to visit: Cooperstown, NY

Favorite teacher: Mr. Nath 
What I like about the new OCHS: wide hallways
What I’d change about the new OCHS: the cameras

What I wanted to be growing up: professional baseball player 
Favorite lunchbox as a kid: Power Rangers 
Most embarrassing moment: diving for a ball and getting up with my pants 
half down
The cause I most believe in: Heaven
I most treasure: my Derek Jeter autographed baseball
Three non-relatives who have most influenced me: Tom Feraco, Mr. Bristol, 
Joe Salvia  
Best advice from a relative: “First pitch fastball and make plays” from my dad 
before every game  

College I’m considering: James Madison University
I plan to study: sciences, pre-Med