Born: January 22, 1987 in Somers Point
Pro team I most root for is: Eagles
Sports hero: Tom Tyrrell
What I like about wrestling: post practice activities
What I’d change about wrestling: matside weigh-ins
Other high school sports: football, track
Most memorable sports experience: beating an undefeated wrestler

Favorite actor: Ben Stiller
Favorite actress: Paris Hilton
All-time favorite movie: “Moulin Rouge”
Best movie I’ve seen the last year: “Snatch”
Worst movie I’ve ever seen: “Freddie Got Fingered”
I would love to join the cast of this TV show: The Swan
Favorite website:
First concert I ever attended: Jack Johnson
Favorite singer: Mariah Carey
Favorite group: Maroon 5
My special song: “Butterfly” by Mariah Carey

Last book I finished: “Green Eggs & Ham” by Dr. Seuss
Three foods I’d eat all the time: cheese steaks, spaghetti, fried chicken
Foods I’ll never eat again: salad, turducken
Guilty pleasure: Moulin Rouge soundtrack
I would like to visit: West coast of Costa Rica

Favorite teacher: Mrs. Jesperson 
What I like most about the new OCHS: automatic flushing toilets
What I would change about the new OCHS: no dry erase boards

What I wanted to be growing up: a billionaire 
Favorite lunchbox as a kid: anything with food in it